Sunday, December 6, 2009

DAY 7-- Summary of Lecture

The Internet is a powerful forum for citizen political participation. In the last few federal elections, ordinary citizens used the Internet to organize, raise money, report the news, and offer commentary, and they had a significant impact on the 2004 Presidential campaign. The 2006 election promises an even more influential role for Internet activists.
New federal campaign finance rules for the Internet have freed bloggers and almost all other citizen-initiated political advocacy on the Internet from any regulation. You can be a part of the online revolution in politics, help reinvent and reinvigorate our democracy, and transform political discourse. It's a good idea to have a basic understanding of the new rules.

the Internet might change the lives of the average person as much as did the telephone in the early 1900s and the advent of television in the 50's and 60's. Also to be taken into account is the debate as to whether the Internet might be changing the nature of power relations and political activity in society.

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